Did you ever want to read a PDF-Dokument outside your Mozilla-webbrowser, like Seamonkey oder Firefox? Just in the Acrobat Reader?
Well the first thing one would try is to check the browsers settings and force a “save as…”-dialog. Luckly this doesn’t help very much. If you hit a PDF-Dokument the PDF-Plugin still starts for some time to present the document in the browser. Argh!
So you need to go under the browsers hood:
Everytime your browser powers up, it searches for plugins automatically: In our case the PDF-Plugin.
In Firefox you need to open the file all.js with an editor of your choice: The windows-editor does the job. The all.js file is located in the programmes installation directory.
Search for the Term: “plugin.scan.Arcobat” and just comment it out.
//pref(“plugin.scan.Acrobat”, “5.0”);
is an example for the resulting line. The two backslashes disable the line.
“5.0” refers to the plugin-version your browser searches for.
Save the file.
Alternative: Just type “about:config” in your browsers-adressbar and search for “Acrobat”. Edit the version-number to something higher than your newest Version – like “20”.
From now on, your system will get more stable and a lot mor comfortable. Have fun.
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